Co-creation and cooperation
persons I work with and that use Music from Source
Hyacintha Kraidy – Claritas Essentiae
Hyacintha Kraidy is a skilled clairvoyant healer, naturopath, and OMnium Healer. She is a scientist in the new paradigm of physical health.
Caroline Cory – OMnium Universe
Deb Kelly – Life Ingredients
Deb kelly is the founder and inspirator of Life Ingredients. A pedagogical aproach to consciousness, awareness and authentic self-expression for children and in educational settings.
Wendy von Oech – Come Home to Your Heart
Kaiyann Isa – Cosmique Focus Creations
Kaiyann Isa is a creative spirit working in uplifting human nature by meditation, art, healing and physical health improvement.
Wigard Tegel – Pure Empowerment
Isabel Constantino – Voel je Kern, Vind je Kracht