Energetic Hygiene 7 week course (English)


This hands-on course will support you with energetic tools to quickly release energetic disturbances, blocks, attachments and collective influences, so you can raise your vibration, connect strongly to your Higher Consciousness and to Source. (Voor de nederlandse versie klik hier)



Energetic Hygiene

Like you have a physical body that you keep healthy, clean and vital so you have an energetic body system and fields that needs attention. One of the most important things is keeping it clean, aligned, vibrant and high in vibration.This course is created to support you practically in being aware of various aspects of your energy, your energetic space and your energy. Using Music from Source and your awareness and focus can be beneficial.



The topics in these 7 episodes are:

1.    Energetic hygiene with the Light Shower

2.    Cleaning your physical environment energetically and keeping it clean

3.    Your Sacred Space (3 episodes)

       a. Introduction: what is a Sacred Space?

       b. Experiencing and exploring your Sacred Space

       c. Cleaning your Sacred Space with the revolving door method

4.    Cleaning Your Sacred Space (2 episodes)

       a. Cleaning your Sacred Space with a Zero Point

       b. Removing attachments and energy from others

5.    Erasing old thoughts

6.    Silence your thoughts

7.    Align your Mind Channels


This practical course supports you in 7  episodes to purify your energy, keep your vibration high and expand your consciousness. The course starts directly when you subscribe (you find the access in your account).



Additional information


Basic, Medium, Royal, Advanced